
Free Mental Health Tool Kit
For Churches, Ministries, and Christian Leaders
This is our FREE Mental Health Tool Kit for Churches, Ministries, and Christian Leaders. It provides basic knowledge and recommendations on how to identify and better serve those with mental health challenges.
You can purchase a printed copy from Amazon for $9.99

Marriage Life Coach Manuel
The participant/client book is listed below. By the end of 2021 we will begin offering a Certification in Christian Marriage Coaching.
​This book includes everything that the client workbook includes, with the addition of a section dedicated to coaches. The coaches section includes additional questions for the client to reflect on, as well as, a section presenting the foundations of coaching and how to interact with your clients. This book is not only beneficial for marriage coaches, but also marriage counselors and those who assist in marriage wellness activities

Participant/ Client Workbook
​This book contains a revolutionary conceptualization of marriage and articulates it with sound biblical truth. Prepare to delve deep, as the authors leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of helping couples reclaim true emotional and spiritual connectedness. The authors explore the dynamics of complementarianism in God’s creation of Adam and Eve, and the secret implications. God has revealed through this design.

Best Marriage Ever
Founded on the truth of God’s infallible and all-sufficient Word, each chapter and principle is anchored in scripture, challenging you to apply the truth of God’s Word to your personal life and marriage. Every chapter ends with a prayer, designed to propel your faith into action, stimulate self-growth, foster marital closeness, and anchor your trust in Jesus.