Marriage Sanctuary | Arise & Live
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Marriage and Wellness

In Progress

View & Download Proposal Details: 
Marriage Center Proposal 

Update 2021: We have secured the land to begin building. Our next step is to begin the process of construction.

Location: Sweetwater, TN.
2 hr. 45 min. drive north of Atlanta (city center).

Our goal is to create a Marriage and Wellness Sanctuary, a retreat center for couples where they would be able to stay for the weekend, receive counseling services, marital-education & enrichment, and engage in activities with other couples visiting the center. Among other services, the Marriage and Wellness Sanctuary will primarily be a place where couples can come to relax, relieve themselves of their experienced and stored stress, leaving enriched and revived.
We look forward to your partnership in our cooperative efforts to grow the Body of Christ and preserve the institution of Marriage. ALCC will use the funds raised to develop a Marriage and Wellness Sanctuary (Retreat Center) in the Atlanta, GA area. This facility will be used to refresh and minister to marriages, families, pastors, for church development and leadership training, as well as a ministry retreat center.

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