Arise and Live Christian Counseling | Marriage Counseling | 101 Devant St, Suite 601, Fayetteville, GA 30214, USA
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Through the Power of the Holy Spirit
Breathing Life into
Marriages, Families, & Individuals

Counseling Services

Online Counseling Options Available

Marriage Counseling

We will assist you in identifying areas of decreased marital satisfaction and relationship distress, then help you set goals and teach you how to reach and maintain these goals. Everything from infidelity to marriage enhancement sessions, we specialize in treating and helping marriages succeed.

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling provides you with the opportunity to address and resolve distressful concerns. Whether you are dealing with depression, meaninglessness, anxiety, shifting moods, trauma, or uncertainty, we have skilled Christian counselors ready to pray with you and lead you on a path of healing.

Premarital Counseling

Our premarital counseling is specifically designed to help guide you and your partner to a successful decision to marry or not. We have honest and transparent discussions about proven principles that contribute to and affect marital satisfaction.

Family Counseling

Our family counseling is an excellent solution for strained families needing help with their family systems. Unhealthy member alliances, unforgiveness, dysfunctional development, blending challenges, addictions, and disconnection are only some reasons people seek family counseling.

Featured Resources

Mental Health Wellness App

Mental Health Wellness App

Experience personalized and on-demand help. Whether you are a professional or just want answers to everyday emotional distress, this app is a Breakthrough so BEHEALED!

Online Courses for Relationships

Emotional Intelligence Course
Sex Counseling Arise and Live
How to communicate your feelings

Additional Services

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April 4th - 11th

Mental Health Book for Christian Leaders
Ministry Training and Worshops in Mental Health

Free Mental Health Tool Kit for Churches, Ministries, and Christian Leaders

  • ​Mental Health Ministry Training

  • Counseling Certification 

  • Marriage Coach Certification

Getting Help

Waiting too long for help typically results in deeper dysfunction, increased severity, compounding issues, longer recovery. Give us a call to begin your path to healing your marriage, saving your family, or rediscovering who you are.


We are here to help.









Retreat Center For Married Couples

Marriage and Wellness Sanctuary

Contact Form
Best Marriage Counselors
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